May 31, 2021
'Brains at any age are capable of rewiring and changing. No one should be aging, thinking that it's all downhill from here' (Dr. Henry Mahncke)
'The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe" (Michio Kaku)
In this conversation with research neuroscientist, Dr. Henry W. Mahncke, we unpack new insights into how we can keep that 'most complicated object' working optimally. The brain is a physical organ that can change anatomically, or be damaged by trauma, infections or the inability to cleanse and repair cells. Mind is an intangible complex of functions such as thinking, feeling, remembering. Brain training is a way to make physical changes in the brain, that translate into a more efficiently functioning mind.
Dr. Mahncke is the CEO of Posit Science who provides BrainHQ. This is an online and app program of plasticity-based brain training exercises to improve cognitive measures like attention, memory, processing speed and executive functions that improve measures of real world activities like driving, balance, gait, mood, confidence and everyday cognitive functions.
Brain plasticity suggests that we may be able to rewire our brains regardless of age, neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's Disease and even genetic syndromes such as Down Syndrome.
At Posit Science, Dr. Mahncke established the company’s global scientific advisory boards and the extensive research program that has resulted in more than 150 published peer-reviewed articles demonstrating the effect of brain training on the mind..
Dr. Mahncke suggests that how you use your brain matters – organize your life to be full of new learning and don't be afraid of doing something new because you might fail but embrace the challenge. Exercise your brain. BrainHQ is designed to train all the areas discussed and. Help your brain become become faster and more accurate.
We need room in our hearts for kids who are developing who are progressing in different ways. It’s normal to worry, but assuming the worst right away wouldn’t be right. There isn’t just one kind of brain that’s permitted to be successful.
Connect with Dr. Henry Mahncke at:
Website: - you can also download the BrainHQ App
Contact Dr. Gillian Lockitch to learn how you can decelerate your aging trajectory, stay vibrant and vigorous, or start your own online business in wellness and anti-aging:
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