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Growing Older Living Younger: About longevity, wellness, healthspan,

Aug 7, 2023

THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on a systematic approach to overcoming chronic pain, one of the most common health problems that impacts our physical, emotional, and social well-being. Surveys have shown that 21% of adults in North America report chronic pain, with almost 7% reporting that chronic pain  limits their activities of daily life or work.
Today’s Featured Expert is Rick Olderman, a Physical Therapist expert with more than 25 years of fixing chronic musculoskeletal pain. As the previous owner of a successful orthopaedic clinic, Rick transformed countless lives with his innovative systems-based, healing methodology, unlocking the body's potential for self- recovery, and relieving back pain, sciatica, and more. Rick's best-selling, Fixing You book series, including Fixing You: Back Pain and Fixing You: Neck Pain & Headaches, empowers readers to address the root causes of pain. In  his recent book, Solving the Pain Puzzle: Cases from 25 Years as a Physical Therapist, Rick provides practical solutions and insightful case studies based on his extensive clinical experience.

Episode Timeline:
0:11 Introduction to episode

3:01 From physical therapy to transformative digital programs.

  5:03  Most common type of chronic pain

12:58 Walking without locking knees

15:45 The epigenetic power of thought

21:04 Correcting a side bending problem

24:17 Correcting posture and neck pain

32:40 Key take away - chronic pain does not equate to broken

Learn more about Rick Olderman’s work here:

To learn about the Change Your Aging Masterplan:  Reversing Aging to Live Younger Longer  book a  free Discovery Call with Dr. Gillian Lockitch

To get your copy of Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and The Art of Retiring Comfortably click here 

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