Sep 23, 2024
In EPISODE 175 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER with Dr. Jonathon Hill, VP of Science and Technology at Wasatch Biolabs, we explore the importance of epigenetics in understanding and combating unhealthy aging and the so-called aging-associated disorders. He explains how epigenetic effects such as DNA methylation, hydroxy-methylation and addition of histones, significantly impact gene expression and overall health. Dr. Hill highlights Wasatch Biolabs' work on developing tools for detecting neuro-degeneration from blood tests, potentially allowing for early Alzheimer's detection. We discuss the role of lifestyle in epigenetic changes and the future of personalized medicine, using genetic and epigenetic data to guide individual health decisions.
Episode Timeline
0:01 Introduction of Dr. Jonathon Hill
4:09 Simple overview of epigenetics
10:25 How epigenetic science became the research focus
12:30 Applications and the future of epigenetic testing
14:46 Lifestyle influences on epigenetic effects
25:33 AI and data analysis in epigenetics
28:46 The future of epigenetic based personalized medicine
33:31 Key takeaways and closing remarks
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Learn about the work of Dr. Jonathon Hill and Wasatch BioLabs
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