Apr 28, 2021
'You live as long as you dance'( Rudolph Nureyev)
'You got to just move. It doesn’t matter how efficient your movements are, what matters is that you are moving.' (Susan Bock Smith)
Susan Bock Smith earned a Bachelor of Education with a Major in Physical Education from McGill University and taught Elementary Physical ...
Apr 28, 2021
'In nature there are neither rewards not punishments. There are consequences.' (Robert Green Ingersoll)
“We are a product of what we believe to be true which will always be true for us… until something in life happens that encourages us to think differently.” (Rael Kalley)
Rael Kalley has been president of...
Apr 28, 2021
' And you do come out of it, that’s true. After a year, after five. But you don’t come out of it like a train coming out of a tunnel, bursting through the downs into sunshine and that swift, rattling descent to the Channel; you come out of it as a gull comes out of an oil-slick. You are tarred and feathered...
Apr 28, 2021
'Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work .' (Thomas Edison)
'People tell me ‘you’re not the same person that I was 20 years ago’ and I say good! I don’t want to be that same person, I want to grow' (Darlene Shearer)
Darlene Shearer is an entrepreneur who, over...
Apr 7, 2021
"The choices you make, your thoughts, what you eat, how you move, how you interact with others, can change your aging at the cellular level.' (Gillian Lockitch)
Welcome to Growing Older, Living Younger (GOLY), the podcast where you will discover ways to boost your metabolism, enhance your mental and physical energy,...