Mar 7, 2022
“By three
methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, Which is
noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest, and third by
experience, which is the bitterest.” (Confucius)
But what is wisdom?
Today’s guest, Dr. Dilip Jeste, suggests that
people are compassionate and empathetic, aware of their gifts and
blind spots, open-minded, resolute and calm amid uncertainty,
altruistic decision-makers who learn from their experiences, able
to see from many perspectives and “altitudes,” and often blessed
with a sense of adventure and humor."
Dr. Jeste, is the author of Wiser: The Scientific Roots of Wisdom, Compassion and What makes Us Good. He is Senior Associate Dean for Healthy Aging and Senior Care, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Estelle and Edgar Levi Memorial Chair in Aging, Director of the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging, and Co-Director of the UC San Diego-IBM Center on Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Living. As a geriatric neuropsychiatrist specializing in successful psychosocial aging and the neurobiology of wisdom, he is the author of 750+ peer-reviewed journal articles, 160 book chapters and 14 published books.
Our conversation begins with the story of Dr. Jeste's story from his early interest in psychiatry and neuropsychiatric research in Mumbai, to his current neurobiological research at UC San Diego.
We discuss the brain as a physical
construct versus mind as a collection of abstract elements without
a physical basis. Yet neurobiological research shows that qualities
like empathy or compassion actually can be mapped to anatomical
locations in the brain.
We discuss wisdom and aging in the
context of the grandmother
hypothesis and the fact that
human are the only species that lives far beyond our
reproductive period.
One self-assessment tool is
the Jeste-Thomas Wisdom
Index. Try it out at the link below, after you have
heard our discussion.
You can find more information on
"Wiser: The Scientific Roots of Wisdom,
Compassion and What makes Us Good" at
Find the Jeste-Thomas Wisdom Index at.
Contact Dr.
Gillian Lockitch
Schedule a Living
Younger Discovery call with me at
Order your copy of Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and The Art of Retiring Comfortably at www,