Apr 18, 2022
"I see retirement as just another of these reinventions, another chance to do new things and be a new version of myself." (Walt Mossberg)
When I was contemplating early retirement from my
hospital and university work, like Walt Mossberg, I believe
that retirement was a chance to do new things and learn skills I
had long wanted to pursue but that I had not had the time and
freedom to do while I worked. Today, when living into one’s
eighties or nineties is increasingly common, it becomes even more
important not to squander those years and to enjoy retirement to
the full. That’s why I called chapter 7 in my book “Choose
A Challenge”.
Today’s guest is retirement coach, Maria Lucassen,
who is passionate about helping women create a happy, blissful retirement.
She believes that though retirement is
supposed to be our golden years, often people feel all alone,
questioning their life direction, but sometimes caring for elderly
parents, or kids who’ve moved back home.
Maria is the CEO of Maria Lucassen Coaching, As a Certified Retirement Coach
and member of the Retirement Coaches Association, she has a passion
to help career women shift their perspective on creating and living
a blissful retirement after leaving their 9 to 5 job. Maria
organizes workshops for women who are ready to plan their
retirement and helps them individually or in groups to prepare for
a next phase in life that is fun, purposeful and affordable. She
hosts a Radio Show that inspires women to dream about
the next chapter in the book of life. She is a Certified Retirement
Coach and member of the Retirement Coaches Association. She has
authored chapters in two books. ‘What Have You Forbes’d lately’. Is
a compilation book in which the authors describe successes in major
life events. In January 2021 she was one of 100 authors that
published a chapter in the Book: 1 Habit to thrive in a Post Covid
In this conversation you will
hear how a self-described 40 year corporate career junkie became
a Retirement
Coach, and the perspectives she has gained about retirement, from
her own introspection as well as working with her clients. We discuss the
importance of health to a blissful retirement.
Contact Maria
Lucassen:Free gift: Do You Need a
Retirement Lifestyle Makeover? Self-assessment to evaluate your present lifestyle and the
first step for change. https://marialucassen.kartra.com/page/Assessment.
Contact Dr.
Gillian Lockitch
: https://www.askdrgill.com/
Schedule your free Living Younger
Discovery call with me at https://calendly.com/askdrgill/discovery-phone-chat
Order your copy of Growing Older
Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and The Art of
Retiring Comfortably at